Lula da Silvas speech in ten sentences

Lula da Silva’s speech in ten sentences

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and is President of Brazil. After being invested by Congress, he read a lengthy speech structured around two key ideas: the new government would focus on “rebuilding” Brazil, which he saw as “ruined” by its predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, and fight against poverty. as he said he had done during the first two governments. Minutes later, he repeated the same concepts, but from the Planalto Palace esplanade. He was no longer heard by lawmakers and guests in Congress, but by tens of thousands of people who flocked to the Plaza of the Three Powers in Brasilia to see the new President.

This is a summary of the ten most relevant sentences from Lula’s speeches.


“Today our message for Brazil is one of hope and recovery. The great edifice of rights, sovereignty and development that this nation has erected since 1988 has been systematically demolished in recent years. We will focus all our efforts on rebuilding this edifice of national rights and values.”

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“I make a commitment to take care of all Brazilian men and women and end hunger. I’ll get people out of lines at butcher shops to order bones to eat. Far from any nostalgia, our legacy will be the mirror of the future of what we will do for our country.”


“We revoke the criminal decrees expanding access to guns and ammunition that have caused so much insecurity and harm to Brazilian families. Brazil cannot and does not want the guns in the hands of the people. Brazil needs security, books and culture”.


“We have to fight with all our might against everything that makes Brazil so unequal. We must form a broad front that involves the whole of society in the fight against inequality. It is a time of unification and rebuilding of our country. I demand a fairer and more democratic country. I ask each of you that today’s joy is the raw material for tomorrow’s struggle.”


“Democracy was the big winner of our election, surpassing the largest mobilization of public and private resources ever seen. We face the most violent threats to people’s freedoms, the most abject hate campaigns aimed at manipulating the electorate. In the wind of democratization we say “Never again dictatorship”. Today we must say “democracy forever”.

descend zero

“No other country has the prerequisites to position itself as an environmental power, we will initiate the energy and ecological transition. Our goal is to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions and zero deforestation in the Amazon. We will live without cutting down a tree. At the same time, we will denounce all injustices committed against indigenous peoples.”

fake news

“Never before have voters been so contaminated with lies spread on an industrial scale. We defend full freedom of speech, we will create democratic instances for access to reliable information.”

social care

“We will promote a global Bolsa Família program, larger and more global, to lift millions of starving people out of poverty.”

labor rights

“We will have a tripartite dialogue – government, union headquarters and employers – on a new labor law. We will guarantee entrepreneurial freedom, along with social protection, which is a major challenge at this time.”


“We are reorganizing the education budget, we are investing more in universities, in technical schools, in the generalization of Internet access and in the expansion of day care centers and all-day education”

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