Posted on 03/21/2023 22:16
(Image credit: EVARISTO SA/AFP)
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva submitted to the Senate the nomination of six diplomats for posts abroad, in addition to Sérgio França Danese for Brazil’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN).
The messages the names send will be published in the Official Journal of the Union (DOU) this Tuesday, 21st. Among them is that of former Foreign Secretary Antonio Patriota as Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Patriota was Secretary of State from 2011 to 2013 during the Dilma Rousseff government.
Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti has been nominated for the Brazilian representation in the United States. As an economist and career diplomat, she enjoys the trust of Ambassador Celso Amorim, former Secretary of State and Defense and current Special Advisor to Lula. She was once Chief of Staff to United Nations SecretaryGeneral António Guterres in New York. At Itamaraty he dealt with social issues, human rights, environment and indigenous issues. Viotti also headed the embassy in Berlin.
To fill the posts, Lula’s nominees must be polled in the Senate and their names confirmed in committee and in the plenary. The other nominations sent to Congress by Lula are:
Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto, as Ambassador to Egypt and cumulatively to the State of Eritrea;
Ricardo Neiva Tavares, ambassador to France and cumulatively to the Principality of Monaco;
Julio Ginternick Bitelli as Ambassador to Argentina;
Everton Vieira Vargas, Ambassador of Brazil to the Holy See and cumulatively to the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta.
The positions given by Lula come from embassies considered strategic for foreign policy, some of them being key positions in the “Elizabeth Arden Circuit” which brings together the most popular targets of diplomacy.
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