Lula will attend the opening ceremony of the Sao Paulo

Lula will attend the opening ceremony of the São Paulo Forum

The central theme of the event, which begins on Thursday, is “Regional integration to strengthen the sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

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247 The São Paulo Forum, an event that will bring together at least 150 representatives of leftwing political parties from Latin America and the Caribbean, will begin next Thursday (29th) in Brasília. According to Palácio do Planalto interlocutors heard by Metrópoles, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will attend the opening ceremony of the event. The meeting will take place from June 29th to July 2nd at the Hotel San Marco in the central region of Brasília.

According to the report, among the member countries already confirmed at the forum are: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The event will include workshops and lectures by representatives of the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua, led by Daniel Ortega; the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, led by Nicolás Maduro; and the Communist Party of Cuba.

In addition to the Workers’ Party, other leftwing parties in Brazil have also been invited to participate, such as the PDT, PCdoB, PCB and PSB. However, only PT and PCdoB are members of the forum.

According to the preview of the program published by the organizers, the central theme of 2023 will be “Regional Integration to Strengthen the Sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

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