Lulas presidential bid stood out in a week in Brazil

Lula’s presidential bid stood out in a week in Brazil

Lula will run for President for the sixth time. In 2018, he was arrested in the southern city of Curitiba and barred from running for the Planalto Palace (seat of the executive branch) following a decision by the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE).

On that occasion, he was convicted without evidence of alleged acts of corruption in the Lava Jato disconnected judicial operation.

His convictions were overturned by the Federal Court of Justice in March 2021 and the former union leader regained his political rights and was eligible for re-election.

The national leadership of the party and its helmsman, deputy Gleisi Hoffmann, took part in the PT congress in Sao Paulo, purely for protocol purposes.

Former governor Geraldo Alckmin was confirmed as the vice presidential nominee in Lula’s formula.

The Brasil da Esperança Association was also approved, made up of the PT and the Brazilian Communist Party, the Greens, the Brazilian Socialists, the Sustainability Network, Socialism and Freedom and Solidarity.

Lula was not present at the event as he was serving political agendas in Pernambuco State (Northeast).

According to the calendar set by the TSE, the parties have until August 5 to hold congresses.

After the meeting, political organizations have until August 15 To the candidacy with this court, the last step for the candidate’s official admission.

During the week, the Democratic Labor Party (PDT, for its acronym in Portuguese) also unanimously approved the nomination of former governor Ciro Gomes as a candidate for president.

Gomes will be campaigning for the fourth time in his long political career, although he has never reached the second round in the last three attempts (1998, 2002 and 2018).

In the latest study by the Datafolha institute, the former finance minister appears with an eight percent preference for the October vote, behind Lula and far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro.

Tomorrow, Bolsonaro will be proclaimed the Liberal Party’s presidential candidate at an event in Rio de Janeiro, the political cradle of the former military and Lula’s main opponent in the elections.
