Luxor found the tomb of a queen 3500 years ago

Luxor, found the tomb of a queen 3,500 years ago

Archaeologists have discovered a 3,500-year-old ancient Egyptian tomb that may contain the remains of an 18th dynasty king. The important discovery was announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Mustafa Waiziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Antiquities Council. It would be the latest discovery from a joint Egyptian-English mission involving the Supreme Council of Archeology and the University of Cambridge’s Modern State Research Foundation. The never-before-seen tomb was excavated by British and Egyptian explorers on the west bank of the Nile in what is now the city of Luxor. It is close to the Valley of the Kings, one of the main tourist attractions in the country, next to the Giza pyramid complex.


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Although the tomb is in a poor state of preservation, it may date from the time of the famous Egyptian pharaohs Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. However, who exactly is in the tomb is still a mystery for the time being. “The first elements discovered so far inside the tomb seem to indicate that it dates from the 18th dynasty,” said Mostafa Waziri, head of Egypt’s Supreme Antiquities Council.

The 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt (1550 BC to 1292 BC) was the first dynasty of the New Kingdom, a period when Egypt truly became a world power. Also known as the Thutmosid Dynasty, it is home to some of Egypt’s most famous pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, Hatshepsut and Akhenaten. Piers Litherland of Cambridge University, head of the British research mission, said the tomb could be that of a royal woman or a princess of the Thutmosid line. “It probably belonged to one of the royal wives or princesses during the period of Thutmosid rule.” However, it is ruled out that it contains the remains of Nefertiti, one of the most famous queens of the dynasty. Known for her great beauty and strength, Nefertiti is said to have been the stepmother of the young pharaoh Tutankhamen.

The Egyptian Archaeologist Mohsen camel He said the interior of the newly discovered tomb was “in poor condition”. Parts of it, including the inscriptions, were “destroyed in ancient floods that filled the burial chambers with sand and limestone sediments,” he added. It is currently unclear whether a coffin was found in the crypt.

Egyptian authorities have unveiled several important archaeological finds in recent years, most notably at the Saqqara necropolis south of the capital Cairo, as also suggested in a Netflix-produced documentary. Last year, a pink granite sarcophagus from Ptah-em-wia, a high-ranking Egyptian noble who served as head of the treasury under Ramses the Great, was found in the necropolis. Inscribed on all sides with emblems, hieroglyphs and titles, the stone coffin, dating back up to 3,300 years, was found in pristine condition and in its original tomb 23 feet underground. The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities also announced last year the discovery of mummies with golden tongues in their mouths at the Qewaisna necropolis. It is believed that their true tongues were removed during embalming and replaced with the golden object to allow the deceased to speak with Osiris in the afterlife. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is the lord of the underworld and judge of the dead and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. Perhaps the biggest discovery of 2022, however, was an underground tunnel beneath the Temple of Taposiris Magna, which experts believe could lead to the lost tomb of Cleopatra, one of history’s most famous queens. Famed for her seductive personality, she is said to have been buried next to her lover, Mark Antony. Experts believe Cleopatra made plans for herself and her lover to be buried in Taposiris Magna to emulate the ancient myth of Isis and Osiris.

The recent discoveries have been a key component of Egypt’s attempts to revive its vital tourism industry, the crowning jewel of which is the long-delayed opening of the Great Egyptian Museum at the foot of the pyramids. The archaeological museum under construction in Giza will open this yearalthough there is no announced opening date.