Lying Corrido singer handcuffed and arrested in US The

Lying Corrido singer handcuffed and arrested in US | The Graph The Graph

After causing traffic chaos on the streets of California (USA), security officers arrived at the scene and found inappropriate objects, which is why a well-known Corridos singer was handcuffed while lying down and charged by the country’s authorities.

Yesterday evening, on Saturday, a video went viral on social media showing Jesús Ortiz Paz, lead singer of Fuerza Regida, being arrested by members of the US Public Security Service for a vehicle crash caused by the band place were.

According to some media, it all started after the concert offered by the group at the BMO Stadium in Los Angeles, California, where they filled the place with great success, since the group had positioned the Mexican region across the pond with its signature genre.

(Photo: Instagram)

After their lecture was over, the musicians and the interpreter continued the celebration with singing on the streets of Los Angeles at dawn, arousing the interest of the citizens as well as the group’s supporters, which led to disorganization and motor traffic.

After the traffic disruption, the police arrived on site to conduct the relevant investigations both at the members and in the cars in which they were being transported, and unexpectedly found a firearm there, which was collected by the relevant emergency services order. .

Prior to the confiscation, they blamed manager Jimmy Humilde and singer Jesús Ortiz for ownership.

So far there is no further information as no one from the group has spoken about it.

However, according to some reports, the luminaries’ supporters interpreted the arrest as blame on a third party: “Who put the finger on them?” they wrote.

Who is the regulated force?

(Photo: Instagram)

It is an American group from the Mexican region formed in San Bernardino, California, USA, made up of Jesús Ortiz Paz, Samuel Jaimez, Khrystian Ramos, José García and Moisés López.

They have achieved notoriety among both American and Mexican audiences thanks to their musical genre centered on lying corridos, songs popularized by other recognized exponents such as Featherweight or Natanael Cano.

Some of their most famous songs are “TQM” and “Sabor fresa”, but also others where they have made some collaborations, such as “Ch y la Pizza” with Natanael or “Igualito a mi apa” with the Double P.