Lysandre Nadeau shares adorable photos of her son Hollywoodpqcom

Lysandre Nadeau shares adorable photos of her son | – HollywoodPQ

Lysander Nadeau is a very dedicated young mother and has once again shown us some pretty photos of her little family.

In fact, on her Instagram page, the influencer highlights the four months her son Blaise spent with her lover. Claude Beginning.

Family snaps to crack and a tradition we begin to appreciate every month!

“It’s time to say in my monthly post that our baby is a month older and take the opportunity to put photos on my feed from the last four weeks. 4 months for “titsuckers!!!” she mentions.

That’s not all, because in the same publication she also wanted to highlight the exceptional father Claude for his two sons.

“I still want to celebrate Father’s Day too. Claude, I already knew that you are a father first. That it is the primary role of your life. Seeing your great Roman is a testament to what a good father you are. Yes, he’s exceptional for so many other reasons (you can’t be the only reason), but the fact remains that the fundamentals you gave him are nice and solid. It makes me smile to see you in him, to see him in you. Their mutual desire to learn and know – even if it borders on stubbornness – is something I greatly admire/entertain. Rediscovering you with our little coconut is just luck. Seeing you touched by his smile and moved by his evolution is my new favorite thing in the world. You are the father I would have chosen for my child in every way. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” underlines (sic) Lysandre affectionately.

We wish the small family thousands of beautiful moments.