Macron announced from Charles de Gaulle that he wants to

Macron announced from Charles de Gaulle that he wants to speak about the “General National Service” at the beginning of the year

The universal national service, introduced in 2019 on a voluntary basis, must be generalized and eventually become mandatory.

Emmanuel Macron announced he would address Universal National Service early next year during a speech Monday, December 19, to troops on the French aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle off Egypt.

“Military experience leads to developing not only expertise, but also behavioral qualities, valuable know-how,” affirmed the President of the Republic in front of the aircraft carrier’s sailors for the traditional Christmas party with the troops. .

“Accept challenges”

“That’s why companies also like to recruit former soldiers who are leaving their uniforms,” ​​added the head of state, who at the beginning of November was already insisting on the “mobilization” of the nation, which also bypassed the generalization of universal military service. “That’s why I also know that I can count on the military and ex-soldiers when it comes to strengthening the moral forces of the nation, especially the youth (…). This moral force is undoubtedly the most important of all,” stressed the Head of State.

“In this regard, I will have the opportunity to speak about our major universal service project early next year,” he assured. In November, during the last national review of France’s Strategic Challenges and Goals (RNS) of the Diksmuide amphibious helicopter carrier, Emmanuel Macron said it was “not about the militarization of society, but about strengthening the spirit of resistance, its moral strength (. .) to… defense of our sovereignty”.

The universal national service, introduced in 2019 on a voluntary basis, must be generalized and eventually become mandatory.

SEE ALSO – SNU: Is that a very sensible measure? (11/24/2019)