Congratulations to the Insoumis MEPs who persevered to the end. We are proud to be Insoumis, proud of their work and tireless resistance. Macron didn’t get what he wanted: the assembly’s vote to resign at 64. While the entire right, from Le Pen to LR and Macronist, has played all trompe-l’oeil, fake news and other corridor tricks hand in hand, the Macronist leadership of the parliamentary business is a total fiasco. With a positive vote by the National Assembly, Macron wanted to be able to oppose the legitimacy of the assembly to that of the social movement. Total failure.
So the road remains open, which gives all the meaning to the March 7 launch new phase of the struggle. Everything is blocked on March 7, as the unions say! On March 7th, against retirement at 64, mobilization of all people, at the call of the unions in the companies and the NUPES and the Insoumis in the whole population.
The rebels held out ! Despite the unacceptable and disproportionate repression of two of their MPs within the assembly itself. Despite insults and pressure of all kinds. Macron and Dussopt wanted them to stop fighting article by article. This is also the case when, for example, special regimes and general pension financing were discussed.
The Insoumis deputies persevered! They demonstrated the conflicts of interest that disqualify the votes of the CAC’s macronist shareholders 40 Insoumis have been ignominiously compared to the assassins of Samuel Paty.
Insoumis MEPs maintained their arguments amendment after amendment. They foiled the maneuvers of Macron and his LR and RN auxiliaries.
Now we are putting all our energy into preparing one fabulous March 7th, major date in our country’s social history, e.g Prevent retirement at age 64. The goal is reached if we know how to act at the necessary level. No, employees are not sentenced to two fixed overtime years. Victory is possible because it is necessary.