Macron is fighting with French presidential candidate Le Pen in

Macron is fighting with French presidential candidate Le Pen in a heated TV debate

The center incumbent struck out a familiar tune of heavy investment in French industry and an uncompromising commitment to the European Union. Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Rally Party, presented himself as the voice of a public grappling with a cost-of-living crisis.

Le Pen, who lost to Macron in the 2017 runoff, said she was “obliged to be the people’s spokesperson” and vowed to be “the president of sovereignty.”

“My absolute priority over the next five years is to give the French their money back,” she said, repeating her campaign pledge to reduce VAT on energy and fuel.

The candidates’ ties with Russia sparked a heated exchange of blows during the nearly three-hour debate, which was broadcast on TF1 and France 2, with Macron highlighting a loan to a Russian bank that Le Pen’s party is still repaying.

Macron vs. Le Pen: French presidential runoff explained

“You don’t talk to other leaders, you talk to your banker when you talk to Russia. That’s the problem, Ms. Le Pen,” he said.

Le Pen has long been a vocal admirer of Russian President Vladimir Putin, now considered a pariah in the West for his unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Le Pen visited the Russian strongman during her 2017 presidential campaign, but this time she had to scrap a flyer with a photo of her and Putin taken during that trip.

Le Pen’s previous dislike of NATO – she once vowed to pull France out of the alliance – could also be a liability, as recent polls show most respondents support France’s involvement.

On Ukraine, Le Pen firmly backed her opponent’s material support for the country and sanctions against Russia, with the exception of a ban on Russian oil and gas imports.

“I don’t think it’s the right method, it really won’t harm Russia. And above all, it will do enormous damage to the French people,” she said.

Macron added that Russia was pursuing a “suicidal” approach in Ukraine, although he refused to call Moscow’s actions in the country “genocide,” prompting an invitation from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to come and see the evidence to see for yourself.

Out of touch?

Throughout the debate, Le Pen portrayed Macron as a leader who was out of touch with voters and claimed he was unaware of the plight of healthcare workers before Covid-19 as he promised more investment in healthcare.

Elsewhere, Le Pen called Macron a “climate hypocrite” for following climate policies like encouraging consumers to buy electric cars, which she says are financially out of reach for many French people.

“We need a (energy) transition, but that needs to be much slower over time than what we’re imposing on the French for them to cope with,” Le Pen said.

Macron’s staunch defense of France’s involvement in the European Union was also a hot topic in the debate.

The President argued that the European Union was working in France’s favour, especially in the face of markets such as those in the US and China, which have vastly larger populations than their own.

“Europe is useful for us there. If Google comes and attacks us in our market, who will come and help us? Europe. And if these big corporations don’t pay their taxes in our countries, what allows us to fight back? Europe.”

Le Pen, who called for France to leave the EU in the 2017 election, has softened her stance, promising reform of the bloc and an “alliance of nations”.

Le Pen also returned to one of her core policies: banning the wearing of hijabs in public.

“I think the headscarf is a uniform imposed by the Islamists,” she said. “I think the vast majority of women who wear one really can’t help it, even if they don’t dare to say so.”

Macron accused her of creating a “system of equality” between Islamism, terrorism and foreigners that would “trigger a civil war”.

The fight between Macron and Le Pen is expected to be close.

Candidates are not allowed to campaign the day before the election or on the day itself, and the media are subject to strict coverage restrictions from the day before the election until polling closes at 8pm on Sunday in France.