1685552661 Madonna di Trevignano a group of citizens will ask Pope

Madonna di Trevignano, a group of citizens will ask Pope Francis to stop the seer

Madonna of Trevignano, news about Gisella Cardia

A group of Trevignano Romano citizens want to ask Pope Francis to intervene in the Gisella Cardia case. A document tabled tomorrow could halt prayer rallies.

Madonna di Trevignano a group of citizens will ask Pope

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Madonna of Trevignano, news about Gisella Cardia

They define themselves as “the gladiators” as opposed to “the warriors of light”, the believers Gisella Cardia. A group of citizens of Roman Trevignano want to go to vatican to ask Pope Francis intervene to stop the seer. The idea is to show up in St. Peter’s Square at the Sunday Angelus with a big banner, perhaps saying “Watch over Trevignano”. This is what Mattino Cinque Itala is talking about today, a citizen who our newspaper has already interviewed about alleged private meetings with Gisella Cardia, for which, according to her, a person would have been asked 50 to 100 euros. “We are organizing to send out a strong signal that the country is tired of what has been happening for years,” she explained, reconnected Fanpage.it – We would like to ask Pope Francis to help us and stay close to us on this matter.”

It could be the last month of the rallies

Also this morning, the journalist Paolo Capresi spoke in Mattino Cinque of a document to be submitted tomorrow, which “for legal reasons” could even put an end to the prayer meetings on the private property already purchased by the Madonna di Trevignano association in July . Hundreds of followers gather at the camp every 3rd of the month Recitation of the Rosary and the alleged Appearance of the Madonna, who brought messages to believers through the visionary. It is a document that would have been used in other regions to put an end to abuses stemming from meetings of a religious nature, but was not authorized. For the sake of clarity, nothing on the alleged building abuse cases, which have been disputed by the Parks Authority and the city government.

“If the visionary doesn’t stop, we will appeal to Pope Francis”

“We will await the impact of this document on the Trevignano and Gisella Cardia case if it is used to interrupt the prayer meetings,” Itala explains. “Otherwise, we are determined to ask the Holy Father for intervention, because we can not take it anymore” . In the meantime, let’s wait and see what will happen next Saturday, the day of the month Maria Giuseppa Scarpulla will achieve that Land in Via Campo delle Rose for the monthly prayer meeting.