Magician Mister M performs facial harmonization and shows the results

Magician Mister M performs facial harmonization and shows the results live on television; See the before and after!

For a long time we didn't even know Mr. M.'s face, now we've even seen the facial harmonization! Lol Val Valentino, also known as the magician Mister M, who became known for revealing the secret behind magic tricks, surprised fans with a facial harmonizing. He was invited by Fofocalizando of SBT to undergo the transformation. The result was shown during the broadcast this Thursday (21).

On the show, the illusionist appeared with the famous mask, which he wanted to remove from his face and show what he looked like after the transformation. Reporter Gaby Cabrini asked what the magician's main complaint was about his face. He replied: “What bothered me was the expression lines, especially the smile line,” he explained. Then Mr M said he really liked the result: “It was magical.”

“It is the greatest magic of all. It's impressive,” said the reporter as he showed the artist's new face. She asked the guests for their opinion, who said he looked 30 years younger. The dentist responsible for the harmonization, Camila Avallone, explained the process. “We filled in dark circles and a little lip, he had almost no mouth,” he said. Check out the before and after:

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The change had an impact on social media and the magician's before and after photo received several comments with lots of praise and comparisons. “It looked just like Silvio Santos,” one user commented. Another netizen said: “Not even Mr. M escaped the harmonizations.” Watch the moment of revelation:

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It's snowing!!!! 😱

See what Mister M looked like after mating!#FofocalizandoNoSBT

— Fofocalizando (@pfofocalizando) December 21, 2023

Val Valentino returned to Brazil a few years ago after being diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020. “It took several years of testing before they discovered this tumor. At one point the doctors gave me at most one or two months to live. It seemed to be too late, all the doctors were talking,” he said in a recent interview with the Encontro program on TV Globo.