Magnate Daniel Kretinsky accumulates billions thanks to Putins war

Magnate Daniel Kretinsky accumulates billions thanks to Putin’s war


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War between Ukraine and Russia. The Czech group of entrepreneurs, specializing in coal and gas-fired power plants, reported an increase in sales thanks to rising energy prices triggered by the Russian war in Ukraine. Resources that he reinvests in all directions in France.

We suspected it, now we have confirmation. Daniel Kretinsky’s sudden and all-out activism in French capitalism can be explained for one very simple reason: the Czech billionaire (who lent Libé €14m in September 2022) saw crazy money pour into his coffers over the past year, essentially thanks to a phenomenon alien to their keen business acumen. The fact that the wealth of the Prague entrepreneur has skyrocketed in the past year is mainly due to Vladimir Putin: The war in Ukraine triggered by the Kremlin ruler is the trigger for an outbreak of unprecedented electricity prices on the energy market.

Result: in a few months, Daniel Kretinsky, like other industrialists (the Marseillais Rodolphe Saadé did the same in another genre), created a tremendous fortune of possibilities. Forbes now rates Kretinsky’s estate higher