Major failure at Rogers No cyber attack according to an

Major failure at Rogers: “No cyber attack”, according to an expert ZEIT ONLINE

Cybersecurity expert Jacques Sauvé doesn’t believe a cyberattack is the cause of the major outage of Rogers’ mobile and internet network.

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“I think it’s either equipment failure, misconfiguration, or human error,” he says.

However, he regrets the telecom giant’s silence on the file. The expert believes that the company, but also the government, must carry out an autopsy.

“… At the federal level, says the CRTC, are we perhaps too dependent on three major players, namely Rogers, Bell and Telus? We’re on a day like today with something big and a quarter of Canada’s internet traffic is down,” said Mr. Sauvé.

The crisis will have consequences for Rogers, but will also cause significant financial losses for many merchants, since the Interac payment was out of service.

Watch his full interview in the video above…