Majority of G20 condemns Russia to war and China remains

Majority of G20 condemns Russia to war and China remains silent

China and India were among nations to abstain on Thursday when the United Nations overwhelmingly voted to have Moscow withdraw its troops from Ukraine and halt fighting.

Russian delegate attends G20 meeting outside Bengaluru on 02/24/2023

BENGALURU, India (Portal) Financial leaders from the world’s largest economies on Saturday harshly condemned Moscow for its war in Ukraine, with only China and Russia itself refusing to sign the joint statement.

India, which hosted a meeting in Bengaluru as leader of the Group of Twenty Economies (G20), was reluctant to raise the issue of war, but Western nations insisted they could not support a resolution that did not contain a condemnation.

The lack of consensus among G20 members prompted India to resort to the issuance of a “Chairman’s Summary and Outcome Document”, in which it simply summarized the twoday talks and mentioned disagreements.

“A majority of members have strongly condemned the war in Ukraine, emphasizing that it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing vulnerabilities in the global economy,” he said, citing supply chain disruptions, risks to financial stability and ongoing energy uncertainty and food .


“There were different views and different assessments of the situation and the sanctions,” he said, citing actions by the United States, European countries and others to punish Russia for invading and deprive it of revenue.

The resolution was similar to that of the G20 summit in Bali in November, when host Indonesia also issued a final statement acknowledging differences. The G20, formed two decades ago to deal with economic crises, is struggling to get consensus to release an official communiqué to conclude the meeting.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen previously told Portal that any explanation was “absolutely necessary” to condemn Russia. Two delegates told Portal that Russia and China did not want the G20 platform to be used to discuss political matters.

Russia, a member of the G20 but not the G7, describes its actions in Ukraine as a “special military operation” and avoids calling it an invasion or a war.

India has maintained a broadly neutral stance, refusing to blame Russia for the invasion, seeking a diplomatic solution and dramatically increasing its purchases of Russian oil.

China and India were among nations to abstain on Thursday when the United Nations overwhelmingly voted to have Moscow withdraw its troops from Ukraine and halt fighting.

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