Make an amulet to attract wealth, love and money in 2024

Regardless of faith or religion, everyone wants to have an incredible New Year's Eve full of successes and good things and leave all the bad behind. Some people have the habit of casting spells, others wear colorful clothing for good luck.

However, the best way to attract good vibrations is to use natural elements that radiate good energy and positivity. So, to get the most out of 2024 in all areas of life, using an amulet is the tip. This way, he will attract all the good things you desire.

The amulet is intended to be used at the turn of the year (Image: Africa Studio | Shutterstock)

How to make an amulet?

To create the amulet, nine elements are required, each of which resonates specific energies for your New Year. Next, see how to prepare it:


  • 1 bag of white fabric;
  • 1 line for closing the bag;
  • 1 Bay leaf (to attract victory, increase in wealth and peace of mind);
  • 1 coin (to attract movement, abundance and wealth);
  • 1 crystal (to attract cleansing, energy balancing, peace, Harmony and vitality);
  • 3 apple seeds (to attract love, seduction, magic, peace and knowledge);
  • 7 pomegranate seeds (to attract money, wealth and good luck);
  • 3 cinnamon sticks (to attract abundance, love, protection, spirituality and good luck);
  • 7 grains of rice (to attract prosperity, success, abundance and unity);
  • 7 bean seeds (to attract good paths, fertility, abundance and abundance);
  • 7 cloves (to attract strength and wealth and fight disease).

way to do

Collect all these items in the bag and, if possible, tie seven knots to close them and repeat the phrase: “May this amulet full of positivity bring me good paths, prosperity, love and all the good things that I earn in the future.” next year“.

Carry this amulet with you on New Year's Eve, it can be in your pocket, bag, wallet, but it is important that it is near you on New Year's Eve. Do it with faith and be sure of many things Good things will come to you.

By Ravi Vidya

Medium and spiritual advisor. He visited various religions and absorbed knowledge, which he now passes on to his followers. Provides spiritual consultations and consultations using cards.