By Nancy Berger, Pedagogical Advisor, RÉCIT National Service in Vocational Training.
In vocational education, some programs involve the teaching and learning of electricity, electronics, and programming, concepts that may seem abstract to learners. To make them more concrete, why not use simple and fun electronic maps! Let’s see.
In vocational training, some programs include teaching and learning of electricity, electronics, and programming. Just think of programs in electricity, electromechanics of automated systems, assembly of cables and circuits, repair of electronic audio-video equipment or repair and service in electronics. The concepts to be mastered may seem abstract to the students.
Here are the components that you can use to gradually introduce learners to these topics. We start with the Makey Makey board, which is a simple electronic circuit that allows intuitive discovery of the circuits. Then we go to Micro:bit, a microprocessor that we have to program. Its programming is simple and done in blocks. Finally we finish the Arduino board, which contains two microcontrollers and must be programmed on its interface in the C++ language. Each card brings an additional level of complexity to master the basics of electrics, electronics and programming. Let’s take a closer look.
The Makey Map Makey
The Makey Makey card allows you to learn the basics of electricity by testing the conductivity of the materials used in the circuits. It can be used in combination with the Micro:bit card to add a programming component.
Figure 1: Front of a Makey-Makey card
Figure 2: Back of a Makey-Makey card
From the projects created with Makey Makey it is possible to verify the operation of electrical or electronic circuits and to draw the corresponding circuit diagrams, two skills of the electrical and electromechanical programs of automated systems.
Makey Makey cards provide an introduction to testing and repairing simple electrical circuits, two skills in wire and circuit assembly, and electronics repair and service programs. Since it can be used in combination with Micro:bit, a microprocessor, it also allows entry into this type of component to accommodate the students of the Audio-Video Electronic Equipment Repair Program.
For a better understanding, here is a first video in which we see a piano whose keys are activated by direct contact with fruit. In this example, students can be asked about the principles of inductance and conductivity. The learner must then ask why contact with a fruit allows one branch of the circuit to be activated, what type of circuit it is, how the current flows in the fruit, etc. Students can also be encouraged to think about the actual composition of the circuit to think about. The learner must then try to understand why a connection to a conductive material (copper ring) is important for activating a branch of the circuit or how the keys can be activated independently. We then introduce the concept of grounding and paralleling.
The Micro:bit card
The Micro:bit microprocessor makes it possible to learn the basics of electronics and programming by using the board in combination with the Microsoft Make Code application. It is advisable to use this tool after mastering the Makey Makey map for faster appropriation.
Figure 1: Front of a Micro:bit card
Figure 2: Back side of a micro:bit card
In the Electromechanics of Automated Systems course, students have to learn how to program. Using the Micro:bit card allows for an initiation into this ability. In the Electronic Repair and Maintenance and Electronic Audio-Video Equipment Repair programs, students must learn to work with microprocessors. The Micro:bit card is one of them. It therefore allows a good introduction to this type of component.
In this second video we see a playful use of the Micro:bit card, the reproduction of a virtual cube. This introduces the concepts of random instructions, conditional statements, and variables, which are the fundamentals of programming. The language used is JavaScript, a simple and effective language. It’s a great way to introduce learners to programming, since everything can be done in French and the different programming elements are blocks of different colors depending on the type.
In this third video we see a more practical use of the Micro:bit card, the development of a soil moisture sensor called a hygrometer. With this exercise, learners can practice basic programming, as well as assembling a simple circuit, a skill students in electricity and electromechanics of automated systems must master. You must have a good understanding of the concept of electron transport in order to configure your sensor.
The combination of Makey Makey and Micro:bit
Once the Makey Makey and Micro:bit cards are well mastered, it is possible to combine them. It is then necessary to program in Scratch in the C language. This language is now used to program certain modern automata studied in the Electromechanics of Automated Systems program.
In this fourth video we see this interaction between the two cards. For this demonstration, the two cards need to be connected to the computer we programmed on. Conductive tape is used to electrify the fingers of a glove. When you bend your fingers, you touch a piece of conductive tape on your palm, which closes one branch of the circuit and allows electricity to flow. Depending on the bent finger and the position of the micro:bit card, we hear a different sound, we see a varied representation on the micro:bit card, and we change the background behind the character in the scratch interface. This project allows to deepen the learners’ knowledge of the formation of electrical circuits and programming in C. Competencies of the Electricity, Repair and Service programs in electronics and electromechanics of the automated systems are thus combined.
The Arduino board
The Arduino board allows you to delve into the basics of electronics and programming, this time in the C++ language. It allows for an interesting introduction to electronic components and possibly automata programmable in C. In fact, the Arduino board contains two microcontrollers and a microprocessor, components also found in automata. Therefore, the manipulation of this card combines the interests of the electromechanical programs of automated systems, electricity and repair and service in electronics.
Figure 1: Front of an Arduino Mega board
Figure 2: Back of an Arduino Mega Board
The projects that can be done with the Arduino board are almost limitless. It can be connected to various components such as LEDs, motors, sensors, etc. In this fifth video we present the virtual cube project. This is the same exercise as the one presented in the second video capsule, but with this new tool. You must first program the board using the Arduino IDE interface, which is available online for free. Then all the components on the Arduino Mega board must be wired up, respecting the previously established code and the specifics of each. For example, an LED must be protected by a resistor. The game dice are controlled by a push button switch; A new pattern will appear each time the button is pressed.
In the sixth video we model how a parking barrier works. A push button switch and servo motor are used for this. It should be noted that the switch could be replaced with a pressure sensor. In this case, the motor propeller rotates 90° up when the button is pressed. When the button is released, the propeller will return to its home position. Everything has to be reprogrammed in the Arduino IDE interface and wired up on the board, respecting the code and the specifics of the components. For example, a capacitor must be used with servo motors.
The last word
To properly prepare students for work in electrical, electronic, and programming fields, teachers must use innovative strategies to make the basic principles of these disciplines understandable, despite their abstract nature. Makey Makey, Micro:bit and Arduino boards can be used as a starting point to understand electrical and electronic circuits and to learn programming step by step. These cards have a fun aspect that will keep students motivated on their journey.
Each map attains a higher challenge level and gives a good understanding of how the circuits work. Thus, the learners are better equipped to carry out various installations and diagnose possible problems in already existing systems.
If you have any concerns about using these cards, please contact your RÉCIT FP Education Advisor who can help set up activities related to your program.