Malaysia Thief enters an apartment but gets drunk and passed

Malaysia, Thief enters an apartment but gets drunk and passed out: the owner finds him on the floor

Jan 25, 2023 4:37 p.m

The perpetrator is “distracted” by the alcoholics found in the house. He raises his elbow too much but passes out and falls asleep. The next morning he was still lying in the kitchen with his prey next to him

The history – The fact, to put it mildly, happened in a house in the Taman Tanjung neighborhood. In addition, the unknown had a bag with two knives, a screwdriver, a pill and two other still intact liquor bottles. It was his prey. The homeowner immediately called the police to report the incident. Officers arrived and arrested the thief, who has since regained consciousness.

Malaysia Thief enters an apartment but gets drunk and passed

police – “We believe he drank the homeowner’s alcoholic beverages until he was drunk and fell asleep,” police chief Hoo Chang Hook said Thief seen lying in The House.The thief had 15 previous crimes, all drug-related, and six other crimes related to other crimes.
