Malgioglio Celentano duel I didnt come here to argue The

Malgioglio Celentano duel: “I didn’t come here to argue”. The evening of “Amici” begins with a bang

The friends evening 22 it started with a bang, as you’d expect. Each episode focuses on the performance of Maria De Filippi’s talents committed to capturing the coveted title, but there’s no shortage of questions and answers between the profs, willing to defend their reasons and “water on their to bring mills”. Expression of one of the eagerly awaited judges of this new evening, Cristiano Malgiogliowho couldn’t resist the words Alexandra Celentano. With two characters so “fumantini”, the clash is served.

Evening of “Amici”, is a clash between Cristiano Malgioglio and Celentano

For the new edition of the Friends’ Evening, Maria De Filippi has chosen not only to revolutionize the teams of teachers and the rules for the elimination of students, but also the judging parterre, well received by the fans of the talent show. This year the singer Michele Bravi, the dancer and choreographer Giuseppe Giofrè and Cristiano Malgioglio try their hand at the role. Author of songs that have written the history of Italian music. And it’s not much.

Malgioglio himself chose the envelope to determine the start of the first challenge: they were the ones who collided Isobel from the Zerbi-Celentano team and Maddalena from the Lo-Cuccarini team, in a gauntlet run that had already wreaked some havoc on the cabin. The reason? According to many, the heeling contest (or dancing on heels) would have been unequal between the two dancers. There was no shortage of tension in the studio, but surprisingly there spark ignited between the historian Prof. Alessandra Celentano and the new judge Cristiano Malgioglio.

The Cele, as the boys (and Maria) call it, has stood the test of time stinging words against the student Calling her a “cat” in the presence of her dancer Isobel, Maddalena never missed an opportunity to reiterate the concept in the episode. After the performance, the tones became even more heated due to the decision of Malgioglio, who, contrary to what Bravi and Giofrè had done, decided to give his voice to Maddalena: “It was much more sensual – he said in a loud voice – . From this Cat will soon become a tiger, a she-wolf!”.

Needless to say, Maestra Celentano didn’t like this choice at all and the discussion would have dragged on had it not been for Malgioglio’s angry comment: “I didn’t come here today to argue!”‘ he said without hesitation. Lite returned, at least for now.

Malgioglio’s words of encouragement to the students

Cristiano Malgioglio is a very popular figure in show business and music, but that’s what really makes him great – besides the many incredible achievements he’s garnered 40 year career – is his great humanity. A quality he has never lost and never failed to share with Amici’s students as they face one of the most important challenges of their young lives.

“I remember when I started out everyone rejected me – he said, addressing Maria’s talents. You guys, on the other hand, have to say ‘I have to do it’. How many doors have they closed in my face and look where I’ve got to“. Words of encouragement that were a nice (if brief) breath of fresh air amid the usual piqued altercations between profs.

On the evening of “Amici 22” Megan was the first to be eliminated

One of the certainties of the Amici 22 evening is that there is no shortage of direct eliminations of at least two students from episode to episode. The first to leave Maria De Filippi’s talent was the dancer Megan, after a challenge with Cricca and Maddalena. A’Sadness but also joy leave the scenewith the awareness of having had a unique opportunity.

“I know that it is important for you to have arrived in the evening – Maria De Filippi told her with the sweetness that always distinguishes her –. I know you’re sorry, but I know that the spirit you came with was to learn, take classes, grow, learn anything you couldn’t do at home. You’ve changed so much since you came hereI don’t know if you’re aware of that.” Then the big surprise: Megan received a scholarship to one of the most prestigious dance schools in New York.