Mali New casualties after double attack by jihadists on January

Mali: New casualties after double attack by jihadists on January 10

Published on: 12.01.2023 – 13:42

We know a little more about the Jan. 10 jihadist double attack on the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) in the center of the country. According to the new official report, 14 Malian soldiers were killed and 31 terrorists were “neutralized”. On the regular army side, this is one of the heaviest results in several months.

With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

The first jihadist attack took place in central Mali between the towns of Dia and Diafarabé. A second attack followed, this time a little further south, between the towns of Koumara and Macina.

In both cases, some of the attackers came to the crime scene on motorcycles. The combat technique was the same: laying mines, followed by armed attacks.

One of the heaviest records for the regular army in several months

This Thursday, January 12, several reports are circulating: that of the Malian army speaks of 31 neutralized terrorists and 14 dead in the ranks of the Malian armed forces.

This is one of the heaviest official records on the part of the regular army in several months. The press release from the Armed Forces General Staff said government soldiers responded vigorously to the terrorists.

Sources on the ground report that there were also injuries in the clashes. Witnesses interviewed by RFI saw helicopters carrying at least fifteen wounded soldiers, particularly in the area where the second attack took place.

► Also read: Mali: Several dead after double attack in Bamako