Man beaten to death in Sherbrooke defendant declared fit to

Man beaten to death in Sherbrooke: defendant declared fit to stand trial

Accused of beating a man to death at a bar in Sherbrooke in the summer of 2020, a jury found him fit to stand trial.

After a few hours of deliberation, the jury, consisting of seven men and six women, made its decision on Wednesday.

Defendant Kevin Sanders will then face involuntary manslaughter charges.

The judge reconvened the jury for Friday morning to inform them of the continuation of the trial.

The acts of Kevin Sanders, 28, are said to have been committed on August 17, 2020 at the Urban Tavern on Alexandre Street.

Seized by a violent crisis, he would have punched and kicked Joël Mailhot, 51, in the face, seriously injuring him. He succumbed to his injuries in the days following the events.

– With information from Jean-François Desbiens, TVA Nouvelles