Man electrocuted while using massager for erotic stimulation

Man electrocuted while using massager for erotic stimulation

Junge was found dead in his room after dying from electrocution during a masturbation session

5/11/2023 6:02 p.m., updated 5/11/2023 6:02 p.m

A 30yearold man from the Czech Republic was found dead in his bedroom after being electrocuted during a masturbation session. The case was described by doctors from the University Hospital Hradec Králové in the latest issue of the journal Legal Medicine.

The patient’s name and the date of the incident were not released for reasons of identity protection. The doctors who reported the case warned of the risks associated with paraphilic practices. Paraphilias are sexual preferences that deviate from the standard. In general, they remain more in the realm of fantasy, but become problematic when they turn into compulsions that interfere with, endanger, or harm the individual’s affective relationships.

“The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders defines paraphilia as an intense and persistent sexual urge and interest in copulative or precopulatory behavior with a phenotypically normal, consenting adult human partner.” There are at least 500 types or variants of paraphilia in the literature, many of which, whether autoerotic or assisted, can be fatal,” the authors explained.

In the case of the Czech boy, the fire brigade was called because he did not want to open the door despite his parents’ urging. He was found in a woman’s bathing suit and his arms and legs tied with cloth ties. The man was alone and the massager was found next to the body, which was connected to electricity by a cable.

There were burn marks on the boy’s abdomen, which indicated a strong electrical discharge. In addition, two artifacts were found in his rectum, one made from a pingpong ball.

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