Man finds dogsized mouse in backyard

Man finds dogsized mouse in backyard

An 83yearold man from the town of Blackburn, England, found a mouse the size of a dog in his garden last Sunday (1/11). The information comes from the Daily Star newspaper.

Derek Blamire, who is retired, reports that attempts are constantly being made to capture the rats. Animals that normally trespass on his land to feed on his birds’ food manage to invade even with the traps he crafts. He says he’s caught 50 rats on the property over the past few years.

At about 18 inches from nose to tail, the giant rodent was the size of a border terrier, Blamire claims.

Sylvia, Blamire’s wife, was the one who took the picture of the man holding the giant rat.

The massive size of his latest shot was shared across social media, surprising everyone.

Usually rodents, for example, ordinary adult rats, reach a maximum of 25 centimeters in length.

Derek’s finding, in turn, is comparable to the giant Vangunu rats, a species native to Oceania, which has the largest rats in the world, with each individual reaching 45 centimeters in length.