Per GMC online newsroom
Published May 10, 2023 for the 10:34 am
A man who had been suffering from stomach pain for two years embarrassed doctors when they discovered he had swallowed various household items, from buttons to headphones.
Man goes to hospital with stomach pain and the discovery leaves doctors shocked as 60 items were found. Photo: Reproduction
“During an Xray, we found medallions, chains, nuts, screws, headphones and a number of other items in the stomach,” reported the director of the Moga Medicity Hospital in Moga, Punjab, India, where the case of “human deposit of items” was reported treated.
The 35yearold patient, Kuldeep Singh, was admitted to the hospital due to persistent abdominal pain accompanied by high fever.
Doctors examined the crisis area and made an alarming discovery: Singh had swallowed about 60 different items, including lockets, chains, nuts, screws, headphones, safety pins, magnets, shirt buttons, zippers and many other inedible items.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, doctors diagnosed pica syndrome (or allotriophagy), a mental illness in which the patient “compulsively swallows nonfood items.” This condition is more common in young children, pregnant women, and people with psychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and schizophrenia. According to the doctor, Singh’s family members were unaware of the problem.
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