Man pays R16000 to make replica of wife killed by

Man pays R$16,000 to make replica of wife killed by Covid19

Longing for the woman who died as a result of Covid19, Indian tapas Sandilya, 65, ordered a hyperrealistic replica of her. For this he had to pay the amount of 250,000 rupees, the equivalent of 16,000 R$.

Residents of the village of Kaikhali in the Kolkata region of India, the man paid the amount for the silicone statue. She was built to sit and stands on the sofa in the living room of the house where the couple lived, according to The Times of India newspaper. On social networks, the picture went viral due to the resemblance, causing neighbors and even tourists to appear in the village to visit them.

However, Tapas denies that he had the idea to attract attention and be successful. “I am seriously fulfilling my wife’s greatest wish. A decade ago we visited the Iskcon Temple in Mayapur and couldn’t stop admiring the realistic statue of the founder of the order, Bhaktivedanta Swami. At that time, Indrani told me of his wish to have a similar statue if she died before me. The family was against it, but eventually gave in,” the Indian woman told The Times of India.

Months after Japa’s wife died, he searched the Internet for a professional who could make her wish come true. So in early 2022 he found the sculptor Subimal Das, 46.

Subimal, known for his talent in making silicone statues for museums, told the newspaper that creating the Japa woman statue is one of his biggest challenges. “It was imperative that the statue have a realistic facial expression,” says the sculptor, explaining that the work took more than six months. Photos of Indrani’s face from different angles have been collected to help. A clay model was also made to then make a base mold out of fiberglass that received the melted silicone,” he said.

The statue weighs about 30 kilograms and is dressed in the woman’s clothing, including her favorite gold jewellery. (With information from TrendsBr)