Man tests biohacker Bryan Johnsons crazy 2 MILLION anti aging lifestyle

Man tests biohacker Bryan Johnson’s crazy $2 MILLION anti-aging lifestyle for 75 DAYS to find out if it’s really possible to defy death

A man who put millionaire Bryan Johnson’s age-reversing lifestyle to the test says he was amazed by the results – and saw the benefits almost immediately.

Andrew Boyd, 23, was intrigued by the tech titan and his use of biohacking and decided to try out the bizarre Blueprint diet and document his 75-day journey on his YouTube channel, Project Andrew.

According to Andrew, who hails from Chattanooga, Tennessee, after just one week on the Blueprint diet, he felt “incredible,” losing an average of six pounds and achieving an average sleep score of 95 percent, which inspired him to continue for another 75 days .

California tech mogul Bryan, 46, first made headlines earlier this year for his strenuous pursuit of living forever, which included exchanging blood with his father and teenage son.

Andrew Boyd (pictured) decided to try out millionaire Bryan Johnson's lifestyle and diet

Andrew Boyd (pictured) decided to try out millionaire Bryan Johnson’s lifestyle and diet

Bryan's 17-year-old son Talmage (left) donated his teenage blood to his father Bryan (right)

Bryan’s 17-year-old son Talmage (left) donated his teenage blood to his father Bryan (right)

He apparently takes 80 vitamins and minerals per day and eats 30 kilograms of pureed vegetables per month; Strictly stick to a 1,977 calorie vegan diet and stick to a precise relaxation and sleep schedule.

Working with doctors and using the latest technology and treatments, his treatment costs approximately $2 million per year.

Andrew explained he has made some minor changes to his diet and explained he is much younger than 46-year-old Bryan.

He also noted that he didn’t have access to the same resources and medications that Bryan uses, and that some of the things he takes are on the cutting edge of longevity supplementation, and that there hasn’t always been a lot of research done on them Safety for long term use.

Instead, he followed the meal plan using recipes from Bryan’s website and picked out the vitamins that met his needs. He spent about $112.34 per week on groceries and supplements and four hours per week on meal preparation.

And was it worth it? According to Andrew it was.

‘[I] “I felt incredibly focused and energized,” he admitted in the video. “I learned a lot from this experience.”

Andrew also said he lost almost 30 pounds, from 192 to 164 pounds, and his body fat percentage increased from 19 percent to 13.9 percent.

Andrew's weight increased from 192 pounds to 164 pounds.  He is pictured in his “before” photos Another picture of the YouTube creator before he started the Blueprint diet

Andrew gained weight from 192 pounds to 164 pounds after the diet and lifestyle change (pictured before starting the diet)

Andrew shared his 28-pound weight loss on YouTube with this photo of his ripped body The picture shows the YouTube creator's defined muscles again after a 75-day diet

He shared the results of his new, toned body after 75 days of dieting

Andrew explained he made some minor changes to his diet because he didn't have the same resources as the millionaire biohacker

Andrew explained he made some minor changes to his diet because he didn’t have the same resources as the millionaire biohacker

“The Blueprint isn’t about the exact diet, it’s not about the exact exercise protocol.” “It’s not about red light therapy, a bedtime routine, or skin care,” Andrew explained.

The secret to looking and feeling younger? A snapshot of the Blueprint Diet

Bryan follows a strict vegan diet, full of vegetables and no processed ingredients. Here are some of the meals Andrew included in his challenge:

The Green Giant

  • 20 ounces of water
  • 2 tbsp chlorella powder
  • 2.5g creatine
  • 20g collagen peptides
  • 500 mg cocoa flavanols
  • 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon

Great vegetarian

  • 300g black lentils
  • 250g broccoli
  • 150g cauliflower
  • 50g shitake mushrooms
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2g ginger root
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Nutty pudding

  • 50-100 ml almond milk
  • 2 tbsp ground macadamia nuts
  • 2 tsp ground walnuts
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseed
  • 1/3 Brazil nut
  • 1 tbsp non-Dutch cocoa
  • 1 tsp sunflower lecithin
  • 1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 cup of berries
  • 2 cherries
  • 2 ounces freshly squeezed pomegranate juice

Stuffed sweet potato

  • 300 g cooked sweet potato
  • 45g cooked chickpeas
  • 12 grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 4 radishes
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • 1 large jalapeno
  • 2 limes
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp chili powder

“Blueprint’s core project is about using measurements and data to inform healthcare decisions.”

To start the diet, Andrew started by preparing his food; with recipes from Bryan Johnson’s website.

“On this diet, Bryan fasts intermittently. He eats all of his food in about a six-hour window each day. “That means he fasts for 18 hours every day,” Andrew explained.

Bryan starts each day by waking up and drinking the “green giant,” which consists of water, chlorella powder, creatine, collagen peptides, cocoa flavanols, and Ceylon cinnamon.

Then he has the “super veggies,” which consist of “huge amounts of broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, ginger, garlic and black lentils.”

“It definitely tastes healthy, but it tastes good,” Andrew said after his first taste.

Bryan’s next meal is something called “Nutty Pudding,” which, as the name suggests, contains lots of nuts and is garnished with fresh strawberries.

His last meal was a sweet potato bowl, which consisted of roasted sweet potatoes stuffed with chickpeas and avocado.

He then took over other aspects of Bryan’s life, adjusting his sleep schedule (going to bed at 9 p.m. and waking up at 5:15 a.m.) and exercising intensively for an hour a day.

Although Andrew said he felt great after the 75 days, feeling slimmer, sleeping better and having more mental clarity, he did notice some conflicting aspects of the diet – such as a calorie deficit and how that affected hormones.

“That’s why Bryan supplements with testosterone,” the content creator explained in the video.

“It just doesn’t make sense to me.” “I think it’s probably better to correct a problem with nutrition than to introduce exogenous hormones.”

Andrew added: “Another thing I think is problematic with Blueprint is the number of variables the team is constantly testing.”

“If Bryan tries 15 different things in a given week, how can they be sure they won’t confuse what causes what?”

His final criticism was that some of the people adopted Bryan’s diet and lifestyle with “religious fervor.”

“The point is, show me your data.” Does Blueprint actually work for you? he asked.

“From my perspective, this is not some kind of faith protocol, but there are a growing number of people in the community who are starting to approach it this way.”

He said that while the diet was worth it for many reasons, it’s “extremely difficult to prioritize your health the way Bryan Johnson did.”

‘[Especially] “In a world where everyone does the opposite,” he noted.

Man tests biohacker Bryan Johnsons crazy 2 MILLION anti aging lifestyle Bryan Johnson is shown here in 2018, before beginning his biohacking efforts In 2023, 45-year-old Bryan Johnson will reach the biological age of 36

Bryan’s biohacking and restrictive diet have changed his appearance, shown in 2018 (left) and 2023 (right).

Bryan and his doctors say he has reduced his overall biological age by more than five years and now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old.  year old

Bryan and his doctors say he has reduced his overall biological age by more than five years and now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old. year old

A team of more than 30 doctors routinely measures Bryan's blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health

A team of more than 30 doctors routinely measures Bryan’s blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health

Bryan, 46, has made millions from his online payment platform Braintree, which brought in almost $5 million in sales in just three years.

In 2012, profits soared with Braintree’s $26 million acquisition of Venmo, and the following year the company was acquired by PayPal for $800 million.

Since then, he has founded a company that aims to improve the quality and access of high-tech brain scans to detect emerging diseases early, earning him a mountain of revenue that he invests in his health efforts such as measuring devices nightly erections and a blood plasma exchange can be stuck with his teenage son.

His quest for youth began in 2020 and has since spent an estimated $6 million.

A team of more than 30 doctors routinely measures his blood, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, blood vessels and sexual health.

He claims he now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the fitness of an 18-year-old.