Manatee is issuing a mandatory evacuation order for Zones A

Manatee is issuing a mandatory evacuation order for Zones A and B due to Hurricane Ian

With the latest forecasts for Hurricane Ian showing a significant impact on the Manatee County coast, emergency management officials have expanded the mandatory evacuation order to Zones A and B in Manatee County. In addition, residents of Evacuation Zone C are encouraged to seek shelter inland.

“This is the worst-case scenario,” said Manatee County Manager Scott Hopes. “Those along the coast who are vulnerable to flooding should take this seriously and evacuate.”

Two more storm shelters will open in Manatee County as of noon Tuesday. Buffalo Creek Middle School opens alongside Haile Middle School as a pet-friendly sanctuary.

Signs along Cortez Blvd. and Manatee Ave. advise motorists as of 4pm that “there is no westbound access” to the Gulf Islands infrastructure during Ian’s passage.

Residents are being urged to complete their storm preparations today, and the county’s landfill will be open for an extended period (until 6 p.m.) without a fee, then closed until Friday.

The garbage collection took place today as planned. However, the garbage and recyclables collections are canceled for the rest of the week.

Manatee County Area Transit will suspend all fixed routes beginning at 6 p.m.

For more information about the Manatee County government, visit or call (941) 748-4501. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @manateegov.