Manila Nazzaro the attack is brutal He didnt deserve

Manila Nazzaro, the attack is brutal | He didn’t deserve such an end Metropolis News

Manila Nazzaro, the presenter in tears at Verissimo Studios.  (Photo: Mediaset) - Metropolinotizie.itManila Nazzaro, the presenter in tears at Verissimo Studios. (Photo: Mediaset) –

Attack the former Temptation Island contestant. Lorenzo Amoruso directly involved: ​​the outraged reaction of the fans.

There isn’t Peace for poor Manila Nazzaro. The presenter from Foggia is once again the focus of a theatre in which both she and her current ex-partner are involved first-hand Lorenzo Amoruso.

Manila and the sports manager, former soccer player from Florentinethey had met and engaged in 2017 distance Between the two, who live in different cities, their relationship seems to have always been like this stable and intense. The two didn’t fail to post often photos together on their respective Instagram profiles.

A situation that is stable enough to choose to do so to test with participation in 2021 in the TV show “temptation island” in the later realized hope of remaining mutual faithful to each other.

However, rumors have been circulating about her since early 2023 break they had intensified and eventually led to confirmation finally. But who has had any lately dramatic implications.

Lorenzo’s allegations: Manila and the other man

After the break between the two, Lorenzo Amoruso didn’t stay in Be silent. Since today I’m on his Instagram disappeared Almost all photos can be seen with the ex-partner, but in recent months Amoruso has often expressed himself in one way cynical towards the woman to criticize himself life choices and hinted that she had a romantic relationship with the dancer Stefano Oradei.

Those rumours, which Manila itself had recently denied, immediately died down spread wildfire. Given the tendency to prefer that privacy to public life by Lorenzo, it is not clear if this was intentional stir up serious consequences for the ex-partner: a prognosis, however accomplished.

Manila Nazzaro and former partner Lorenzo Amoruso.  The two split in early 2023. (Photo: Instagram) – Metropolinotizie.itManila Nazzaro and former partner Lorenzo Amoruso. The two split in early 2023. (Photo: Instagram) –

“I just got out of a toxic relationship,” Manila replies. But then…

Manila Nazzaro told the weekly Confidences that she should be more bright after separation, in the face of nature poisonous his relationship with Amoruso. However, the reaction from Lorenzo’s fans was the same extreme and unsettling.

THE Comments To the photos posted by the presenter, those who had nothing to do with the previous relationship were also mugged insults and criticize a lot aggressive. Almost no support and unfortunately recognizable the demographic of haters that would mainly be present Women. The fear is that Lorenzo could sell his public image Better than Manila, which has not yet commented on the wave to hate and attacks to which it was subjected.

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