Manoir Bombardier furniture offered for sale La Tribune

Manoir Bombardier furniture offered for sale – La Tribune

BRP employees can, among other things, buy furniture from the house of the famous inventor of the snowmobile, La Tribune learned.

This special sale, which is not open to the public, will take place towards the end of September, explains Émilie Proulx, spokeswoman for the company.

“No piece of historical value is offered for sale,” she assures in an interview with La Tribune.

“The mansion will be updated and certain items such as furniture will be replaced. They will be offered to employees as part of this sale and the profits will be donated to the CHUS Foundation. »

Other items, such as tools from BRP factories, are also sold. There is no sales target set.

Last June, BRP employees committed to raising $1 million for the CHUS Foundation over three years. This sale is part of that movement for a good cause.

The funds should be used for research in pediatric oncology, adds Ms. Proulx.

This was not the first time the Valcourt troops have offered to raise funds for the CHUS Foundation. Additional fundraising events have taken place in recent years.

The Joseph-Armand Bombardier Foundation says it has nothing to do with this sale.

In the monument directory

The Joseph Armand Bombardier House in Valcourt is listed on the Quebec Cultural Heritage Register.

It is described as a “middle-class residence” built around 1915. The two-story red brick building adjacent to the church has an almost square plan and is topped by a low pavilion roof. On the facade there is a round, crenellated tower with three floors.

The Joseph-Armand-Bombardier-Haus is located behind Saint-Joseph-Straße on a large, landscaped property with old trees. It is located in the heart of the village center of the municipality of Valcourt and is listed on the Quebec Heritage Register.

“The house is of historical interest because of its historical value due to its association with Joseph-Armand-Bombardier. The latter, who lived in the Valcourt house from 1944 to 1964, was a major figure in Quebec in the 20th century. Joseph-Armand, the eldest son of Alfred Bombardier and Rose-Anna Gravel, was born in Valcourt,” we tell you.