Manuel Bortuzzo scrolls to Lulù Selassié? / e’s who the new flame would be

Big Brother vip 6, Manuel Bortuzzo has a new flame: gossip explodes

He wowed Canale 5 viewers with the love story that lived behind the walls of Big brother vip 6 Next Lulu Selassie, then recently shipwrecked and with great sorrow for the princess – who accused the swimmer of leaving her through an Ansa press release without having had a confrontation with her, and now Manuel Bortuzzo returns to the center of media attention. The reason? According to current gossip, Manuel Bortuzzo has already begun another intimate acquaintance with a sporty girl who, unlike Lulu, would please the Bortuzzo family. As she recently reported to the media, the princess did not feel accepted by the family Manuel Bortuzzo, most notably his father Franco Bortuzzo, suggesting that the relationship with the swimmer was affected by Bortuzzo family influences. The gossip of the last hours about Manuel and his post big brother vip 6 was first published on social networks by the blogger Amedeo Venza and then picked up by Novella 2000 and Bortuzzo decided to turn the page in private life , after Lulù Selassié .

Manuel Bortuzzo; The report about Giulia appears after the breakup of Lulù Selassié after Big Brother VIP

“In the stories he actually published the report of a user – Novella 2000 reveals what was shared by Venza – who also gave some information in his possession. Of course everything we are going to say from now on is fair rumor. Nothing is safe. We actually have to wait for confirmations or denials from those directly involved”.

It also appears, secondly the indiscretions that Giulia is followed on social networks by Manuel Bortuzzo’s family, which would be an indicator that the girl likes the Bortuzzo family. Giulia was also a swimmer and had several awards in the sport, moreover she usually trained in the same pool as Manuel Bortuzzo. So was it swimming that brought Manuel closer to the supposed new intimate acquaintance? However, it should be noted that the gossip of the moment about Manuel’s new flame might prove to be completely unfounded.

We know that Lulù Selassié, now ex-girlfriend of Manuel Bortuzzo, is now single and could star in the long-awaited music video of Bandana, the new single from LDA.