Manuel Vallicella and the last message before death quotA lot

Manuel Vallicella and the last message before death: "A lot of…"

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Men and women, Manuel Vallicella and the last message before death:

Here is the last social message written by the former tronista of men and women Manuel Vallicella a few days before the tragic event.

Towards the end of September, a message came out that no one expected to read and receive. News that shocked everyone and touched everyone emotionally. The former suitor and former tronista of men and women Manuel Vallicella passed away at the age of 35. The boy had lost his mother a few years earlier, A loss that had left him with a truly insurmountable void. On social media he has been very popular and popular and right on his Instagram profile if you scroll through the posts you can find sweet words dedicated to his mother on Mother’s Day like these:

Also read: Men and women, Manuel Vallicella on the program: “I would not return”

I’ve always seen her do whatever it takes to get anything done and I’ve always seen her fight battles that anyone would have said were impossible. Worrying about me too much, and I’ve often heard her approach the bed at night just to caress my face. Smiling when I reached a goal that I thought was difficult and I saw her hide her anger when the obstacle to my dreams was the limitations and prejudices of others. I saw her persistently defending her values. And I soon realized that they would be mine. I saw her quickly dry her tears when I asked her what love was for the first time, and then I immediately added that to me love is HER. And then look at me with the admiring eyes of someone admiring a hero who really exists. I saw her telling me that you can’t have everything in life. But I also saw how hard she worked to be able to give me everything. That’s exactly how I saw it, MY MAMA! AND IT IS MY MOTHER MY HEART WOULD CHOOSE AGAIN EVERY DAY.

Or phrases that, given what happened, could be considered “news”. left by the boy about what he was going through.

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Men and women, the latest social message from Manuel Vallicella

About a week before the tragic event that shocked everyone, Manuel Vallicella shared a post on his Instagram profile. A shot of him with his wonderful eyes speaking for you to reflect. And here’s his latest social message: “You can say a lot without saying anything”.

Many fans almost read that phrase as a “forewarning” and “explanatory” phrase of what he was going through. It was not for nothing that a user wrote: “The answer was in his eyes”.