Manuela Carriero quotI have nothing to be ashamed of I

Manuela Carriero: "I have nothing to be ashamed of, I insisted, because I wanted to listen to my heart"

The 34-year-old from Brindisi explained on social media why she decided to leave the throne to men and women.

Less than two months into his throne To men and women, Manuela Carriero has decided to leave the dating show Canale 5finds himself in front of the two Admirers Michele Longobardi and Carlo Marini, I intend to leave the program because I notice personality incompatibilities in the 34-year-old from Apulia.

Men and Women, Manuela Carriero: “Without her I would never have progressed because I was now too committed and curious to get to know her”

Manuela She wanted to point out that she hadn’t specifically asked the editors about other boys because she was now dating them and that she had no intention of pursuing a new path with anyone. Manuela wanted to take to social media to thank everyone who supported and understood her, and also tried to explain what motivated her to leave the program

“Here I am, I write these words to thank those who supported me and to say “I’m sorry” to those who didn’t understand me. I never acted strategically and, as you saw, I didn’t waste any time and I immediately focused on two guys that I was most attracted to. In my presentation clip I highlighted some important character aspects such as: I’m sorry for raising my tone in some situations, but it’s a defense mechanism that kicks in for me when I feel attacked. The first two external situations were beautiful for me and I have wonderful memories. The moment I finally opened up was a wonderful memory for me. I felt blocked. It hurt me deeply to be told that my hug wasn’t felt when in reality I didn’t want anything else, which broke my heart. My insistence that I did not want to leave the throne was misunderstood.”

There Career then he continued:

“I had already seen all the guys who had written for me, I could have started a new journey with them, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to overcome the misunderstandings and show myself as the person I am in my free time.” . I only insisted because I wanted to listen to my heart. I would never have gotten anywhere without her because I was now too involved and curious to get to know her. I could have easily come to a choice or a non-choice or… a “no” from them in a short period of time without anyone coming. If it had gone wrong, I would have realized that I was really trying. I will only remember the best moments of this experience and I assure you there were many. I There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, there is nothing wrong with saying that we really like this person. I don’t live with regrets. Even if it’s me against the whole world, I will always listen to my heart. Thank you all, just THANK YOU.”

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