Mar do Sertao Saba Bodo and Nivalda arrange a kidnapping

Mar do Sertão: Sabá Bodó and Nivalda arrange a kidnapping and Timbó despairs of the disappearance of "little friend"; Character…


Apparently, the former mayor and his wife still have big plans in Mário Teixeira’s novel.

By Gabriela Maruyama

09/19/2022 13:51 BRT

09/19/2022 13:51 BRT

Timbó will suffer kidnapping in Mar do Sertão.  Photos: Reproduction / TV GloboTimbó will suffer kidnapping in Mar do Sertão. Photos: Reproduction / TV GloboGabriela Maruyama

In the next chapters of “Sertão Sea“, Sabá Bodó (Welder Rodrigues) and Nivalda (Titina Medeiros) will have an attitude that will go Timbo (Enrique Diaz) Desperate. According to information from the portal “TV Observatory”, everything should start when the former mayor of Canta Pedra is released from house arrest.

The villain’s wife will then decide to help him get rid of the electronic anklet. For this, Jessilan’s mother (Giovanna Figueiredo) will kidnap the charismatic shop Cênti to put on the equipment for the animal. Distraught at the disappearance of his little friend, the Ze Paulino/Jose Mendes (Sergio Guize) panics.

As also revealed by the media, the father of Mirinho (Lucas Galvino) will name the donkey, but he won’t be able to find it. In the sequence, the sertanejo will appear in tears and be comforted by the family. On the other hand, Nivalda will not regret the behavior.

It is worth noting that the 6pm soap opera was created and written by Mário Teixeira, under the artistic direction of Allan Fiterman. The story revolves around Candoca (Isadora Cruz), Zé Paulino (Sergio Guizé) and Tertulinho (Renato Góes). You can find more news about the feuilleton at Bolavip Brazil.