1705023140 Mara Venier short brown hair The transformation is incredible

Mara Venier, short brown hair: The transformation is incredible | How she is dressed travel trends

Mara Venier caught with short brown hair. I've never seen it like that before.

For years he has kept us company on holidays with his historic Sunday container, the magnificent one Mara Venier. Authentic aunt of the Italians, she always knows how to do something good for us in the different episodes. many exclusives He gets his elegance with wonderful heart-to-heart interviews TV room.

Undoubtedly the one that made the most noise was the one that was made with Belen Rodríguez who has removed some pebbles from her shoe and speaks loudly about her husband's betrayal Stefano De Martinoas well as the father of her first child Santiago. The clips Information about the most important moments was immediately shared online and was available in a very short time viral.

Also the host of Fabrizio Corona, who had spoken about the beautiful Argentinian showgirl, his famous ex, had caused quite a stir. And then the Venetian presenter, who is still one of the most popular and popular Italians of all ages, also knows how to give us a gift funny moments and hilarious to say the least because some slip-ups this happens live.

Mara Venier, short brown hair, never seen before

He doesn't even have a problem saying what he thinks Cry when won through true emotions. In fact, she loves showing herself to her audience as she is, without any filters. And he also implements this way of being, behaving and thinking on social media, especially on his widely followed official Instagram profile.

In fact, it is shown here too, both through sharing posts and uploading stories in home clothes. Wonderfully, she's also makeup-free and disheveled as she prepares to cook for her friends or sweep the patio. Now the photo that is causing a lot of discussion about her is of a completely different kind. She with short brown hair. I've never seen it like that before.

Mara Venier as we have never seen her beforeTravel trends by Mara Venier

Just as beautiful yesterday as it is today

In reality we are talking about something that comes from the pastWhen the Venier he was definitely very young. As beautiful yesterday as she is today, back then she loved wearing her hair this color it is natural. But the length wasn't very short Average. So definitely easy to carry.

Of course he could also style them a nice ponytail when the heat was felt. Over time, Mara He decided to focus on a few lighteningShe is becoming more and more blonde, which gives her face a special light and makes her eyes appear very intense. In any case Whether brunette or blonde, she is a true charm of a woman.

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