Mara Venier, the announcement that shocked everyone: "I invited him, but he didn't come"

Mara Venier the announcement that shocked everyone quotI invited him

Dino's guest appearance on Domenica In is skipped. The first part of the January 14th episode is dedicated to this Sanremo of past years, will not see the singer's presence. The presenter of Rai 1 herself reported it. “Now,” she said Mara Venier after the performance of Wilma Goich – You will listen to us Gliocchi mie, a song from Sanremo from 1968 that reached 11th place and that you sang together with Dino. I invited Dino today, but for personal reasons he couldn't come, but Dino, I hug you and I love you.

Dino, whose real name is Eugenio Zambelli, In 1968 he took part in the Sanremo Festival together with Wilma Goich and brought one of his best-known songs with him. But the unexpected events weren't just limited to Dino's absence. He also had to cancel his presence in the studio Don Backy. But more present than ever Nicola Di Bari.

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However, the artist has sparked controversy. The reason? He sang along, too bold a rendition. “But it's really embarrassing to see Nicola Di Bari singing in the playback with a Spanish version of Zingara from his youth,” commented one user online. And again: “In Nicola Di Bari’s backing track you can even hear the effect of the record player needle because there isn’t even an audio file in MP3 format!”

Nicola Di Bari sings at Mara Venier, something goes wrong: the protest explodes