1652906785 Mara Venier the farewell that nobody expected the marriage is

Mara Venier, the farewell that nobody expected: the ‘marriage’ is in danger That’s it…

Mara Venier in the spotlight for this latest shocking news. The greeting none of us ever wanted to hear

Mara Venier is ready to say goodbye forever. There is now nothing left for the moderator to do. Here’s what happened that was so shocking. there Rai is nearing completion of the schedule of TV season 2021/2022. An indiscretion regarding Mara Venier, whose future already seems to be over, leaked out immediately ready.

Mara Venier the farewell that nobody expected

A piece of news that is making the rounds on the web, which has been recorded in recent times left shocked all fans of Aunt Mara. Domenica In, a program by Mara Venier that airs on Sunday afternoons, manages to achieve great success episode after episode. The ratings achieved are truly amazing and the merit is part of that Mara Venier who managed to make the program a success again.

Despite some really disappointing seasons, the program has made a comeback. Millions of Italians are entertained byirony and sympathy out of Mara Venier, but it seems this is just a bad memory now. According to rumours, as reported by piudonna, we will most likely not see more next season Aunt Mara at the top of Domenica In.

Bad news affects Mara Venier

Mara Venier the farewell that nobody expected

Earlier this season, the hostess said she didn’t want anymore renew contract. Contrary to what has been said before, however, it seems that the company wants to end this employment relationship. Mara Venier She had come to make this decision because the transmission had taken too long. Precious time that he could have devoted to his family.

According to his statements, however, there are still many doubt and they were not leaked information inherent in the future of Mara Venier. Today, however, the situation seems to have definitely changed. Given that Mara Venier wants to continue her adventure under the guidance of Domenica In. But what worries her fans so much?

I’m still not sure future the moderator, she did a lot there very demanding requests to Rai’s top management. Something that could suddenly pave the way for you new reality for the legendary Mara Venier. The famous host of the RAI house therefore requires certain things in order to continue.

If on the one hand Aunt Mara she intends to continue her work, on the other hand she wants to do it by reaching gods compromises. At the moment you don’t have them certain news. It only remains to await the final publication of the new timetables and see what exactly awaits us.