Marcella Rica finally caught the attention of Internet users this Friday (29) after sharing a post. Through social media, the actress and director generated comments after making what was supposed to be an indirect statement. The post was made after the news of the breakup between the exfiancée, Vitoria Stradawith the businesswoman and influencer Bianca Andrade. Marcella's publication was interpreted by the public as indirect after the incident became known.
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Via Instagram Stories, Marcella Rica inspired her followers by posting a photo of a shoe. But even though it appeared to be just a click on an object, internet users reacted. Since nothing goes unnoticed on social media, the public quickly interpreted the post as a reference to the supposed romance between Bianca Andrade and Vitória Strada. The shoe was ultimately the reason for many comments and speculations on the Internet.
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When Bianca Andrade and Vitória Strada were enjoying New Year's Eve Amoré in Pernambuco, they got into the biggest argument. The incident, published in Mariana Morais' column on the Correio Braziliense portal, caused a stir on social media. In fact, fans of the celebrities were excited about the possibility of a romance between them. Admittedly bisexual, the two revealed that they are ready to spend the New Year together.
However, even after her fouryear relationship with Vitória ended, Marcella Rica probably still hasn't completely gotten over it. This is shown by the comments of Internet users after the actress published a white shoe with pearls. “Sorry, Marcela, but I’m all Team Bianca now (laughter)”; “Dikes are great, you see”; “Marcela, I understand you, friend”; “Victory is certain; “Marcella is already with someone else, dear ones” and “Poor thing,” were some of the comments.
The post that Marcella Rica posts indirectly after the alleged romance between Vitória Strada and Bianca Andrade first appeared on EM OFF.