Marcelo Adnet was saved from rape by his grandfather at

Marcelo Adnet was saved from rape by his grandfather at the age of 5

Marcelo Adnet revealed he was saved from rape by his grandfather when he was just 5 years old. While participating in the Podpah podcast, the comedian reminisced about the story and gave more details on how it all happened.

“I was raped when I was 5 years old but the guy didn’t really go into it. When he was about to put it in, my grandfather came. I forgot my wallet at home. I was saved,” he said.

Marcelo AdnetMarcelo Adnet

Marcelo AdnetGlobo/Disclosure

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Marcelo Adnet poses with his daughter AliceInstagram/Reproduction

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Marcelo Adnet in the central program of CopaGlobo/Reproduction


The comedian, now 41, also said the sexual abuse situation showed him how “people are dangerous” and that it may have made him a shy kid. Adnet also recalled thinking he might have contracted the HIV virus in the situation.

“I was 5 when it happened. Then, when I was 12, I found out that AIDS exists. I thought, ‘I have AIDS. My God, I could have AIDS!’”

Although his grandfather saved him from the situation, the matter did not reach Marcelo Adnet’s parents until some time later. He explained that the parents were surprised and that today nobody knows where the rapist is.

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