Marco Bocci returns after his disappearance and tells the consequences

Marco Bocci returns after his disappearance and tells the consequences of his brain disease

Marco Boccia is back in the spotlight, but this time the reason is one of the worst. Marco Bocci, stage name of Marco Bocciolini, is an Italian actor, known for playing inspector Nicola Scialoja in the TV series Romanzo Criminale and deputy inspector Domenico Calcaterra in the TV series Squadra Antimafia. The man is also known for his private life, having had a relationship with singer Emma Marrone, in January 2014 he formalized his engagement to actress Laura Chiatti. The couple married on July 5 of the same year and announced that they were expecting a baby. Their eldest son, Aeneas, was born on January 22, 2015 at the hospital in Perugia, and on July 8, 2016 their second son Pablo was born. However, Marco Bocci has been out of the spotlight and away from the cameras for a while and his disappearance stems from a very serious issue.

After a long moment of silence, the actor opened up to the weekly Di Più tv and spoke about the terrible illness that had struck him and how difficult his recovery was. The young man has decided to speak again on the occasion of the publication of his latest novel. After a car accident in 2018, Marco Bocci realized he had one herpes in the brain. The disease, if not diagnosed in time, could have led to the saddest and most tragic end. The 43-year-old underwent emergency surgery and spent many months convalescing. “When you are healthy or think you are healthy you don’t realize how many things you take for granted, you think more about making plans for the future than enjoying the present. But after what happened to me, after realizing that I’m not invincible and after seeing death up close, I understood the importance of living day by day and the small, big joys of life To enjoy everyday,” explained the actor.

Herpetic encephalitis (or herpes simplex encephalitis) is a neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) caused by the herpes simplex virus. This acute or subacute onset disease produces both general and focal signs of brain dysfunction. Now the actor has recovered and got back on his feet, albeit with no small difficulties. His family, wife and loved ones have never lacked the affection and support to face this horrible time and he never misses an opportunity to thank them for all that love. Among all, Laura Chiatti has always been by his side and although there have been rumors of a crisis between the two lately, their love story is booming and they live a happy marriage and enjoy life day by day.

Also read: Laura Chiatti in trouble: they asked her 200,000 euros after a car accident, the details