1704935180 Marco ousts Roberta at Affari Tuoi after accepting the offer

Marco ousts Roberta at Affari Tuoi after accepting the offer, Amadeus: You should have said that before

Tonight at Affari Tuoi it was Roberta's turn, a young woman from Barletta accompanied by her boyfriend Marco. The competitor accepted the doctor's offer of 36,000 euros, but her package could have contained 200,000 euros. The friend: “I had a dream, but I didn’t want to influence you.”

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Marco ousts Roberta at Affari Tuoi after accepting the offer

Roberta And Marco were the protagonists of the episode of Your business from tonight, Wednesday, January 10, 2024. The young people returned home shortly before the wedding with 36,000 euros that the “doctor” had offered them. In the end they arrived with 50 euros and 200,000 euros: they decided to accept the amount proposed to them so as not to risk losing everything. Before opening the last two remaining packages, including hers, the competitor's friend made a revelation that shocked everyone: “I had a dream, I didn't want to influence you. Number 1, 200,000 euros.” And her parcel number was actually 1.

The curtain at Affari Tuoi between Roberta and Marco

Tonight's Affari Tuoi contestant's boyfriend, Marco, made a revelation just before opening the package they had chosen. They had already accepted 36,000 euros, but in their “number 1” they could also have had 200,000 euros. “I had a dream, I didn't want to influence you. Number 1, 200,000 euros,” the boy explained, leaving Roberta and Amadeus stunned. While the competitor searched for words, Amadeus commented: “But how? You should have said it beforehand.” She dreamed that she went to the happiness region. She removes the sticker, she sees the 1, you should have told her that, at least in her ear.” When someone in the audience shouted, “give it up“The host turned to the competitor and concluded: ‘Here they say, give up, they have to get married.’ It had to be said!”

“Roberta da Barletta,” as she was called by viewers on X, did not comment on the issue and let her looks do the talking. “If there is 200,000 euros there, do you know that it will remind you of it forever? At the wedding she will tell you: “Remember that you made me lose 200,000 euros,” commented Amadeus, earning applause from the audience. Shortly before the wedding, the two young people opened their package with 50 euros, they hugged and kissed each other and Amadeus concluded: “Now you can dream whatever you want.”