Marcos hard attack on Daniele quotYou agreed to give me

Marcos hard attack on Daniele: "You agreed to give me a name" Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

Nominations always bring tension to the house and there are even people who believe that some VIPs have approved the votes.

It is the case Marco who blames the VIP Daniele having agreed with Edoardo to vote for him. The VIP Daniele does not accept the accusation and rails against Marco that his nomination was not influenced by anyone: “You make me nervous when you say that, if you want, I’ll tell you the motivation too, but don’t say that I’m involved.” Edoardo agreed to call you,” explains Daniele, very annoyed.

He comes to his rescue Edward who claims that there was never a plot against Marco between him and Daniele and that the fact that they both voted for him is just a coincidence: “I voted for you because your jokes don’t make me laugh” , justifies Edoardo , Marco lets himself go in disbelief with a spontaneous laugh: “Okay, if you say you didn’t agree with anyone to vote for me, I believe you”, Daniele doesn’t take it well and gets nervous: “Why are laugh in your face?”

Deeply mocked, the VIP accuses Marco of being a liar, promises not to speak to him again and concludes by stressing that his nomination was not influenced by any other member of the house.