1675046486 Marcos Lopez is worth E25m and has only played 3

Marcos López is worth €2.5m and has only played 3 minutes at Feyenoord

Marcos Lopez is worth E25m and has only played 3

The former Sporting Cristal winger is not enjoying his best spell in the Eredivisie despite a promising start to the season.

The transition of a Peruvian soccer player abroad is not easy. Adapting to the place, to the language and to a demanding tournament is a challenge that always has bumps, especially when it comes to a European country. Marcos Lopez, a national team winger who arrived in the Netherlands in mid-2022, has failed to cement his position at Feyenoord. Since the beginning of 2023, the former Cristal player has added a few minutes, a situation that could threaten his presence in the Eredivisie and in the Peru team.

The former Sporting Cristal player then came to the Old Continent with great enthusiasm its good time with the San Jose earthquakes the MLS. At first it was not easy for him to get a place in the starting XI of the Dutch squad, but he managed to be the protagonist of several Europa League matches, a tournament in which Feyenoord managed to advance to the next round.

But this year the 23-year-old defender failed to start with a right foot, because in the last five games he has only played three minutes and they were all in the match against Twente for the 19th day of the Dutch league this Sunday, January 29th.

Although he still has chances to reverse this complicated situation, López needs to earn the trust of his coach Ron Janswith a view to the next dates.

How much is Marcos Lopez worth?

According to Transfermarkt’s website, the Peruvian defender is worth 2.5 million eurosthe highest price of his professional career.