Maria Casadevall, 35, said this evening that she broke her ankle. In a powerful image, the actress showed off the body region with multiple spots and swelling.
In a photo posted to Instagram, she explained what happened. “Yes, that’s my ankle. Yes, it broke. It was a lateral meleolus fracture, a plate and eight screws,” he described.
The actress said the accident happened in the middle of the forest, after a fall 21 days ago, at a time when she was staying away from the internet to meet again. “I was in the forest looking. And in shock, a fall. But I’ve been gone for a long time. I really needed to get out so I could really come back,” he said.
In the same publication, the actress explained that from now on she will have to stay horizontal for three months. “I know it’s not pretty. It hurts
it frightens, crosses, frightens and causes resistance,” Maria said.
She also compared the fall in the forest to a kind of transformation. “Sweat, breathe and retreat, and then return, return forever. Is this a return? From where? Where? in what? What do I have to say? Whom? Who is here? who stays who arrives “Who is gone? I am here now. A cut, a rupture. A trauma, many memories. A song emerging, a voice dissolving. A being reborn at 35,” said the actress.
“Look, today has been 24 nights since I turned 35 on the 24th. As I write it has been 21 days since I fell in the middle of the forest on my mother’s lap I fell between praying and healing sisters, I fell to learn once again that we are only born again if we allow ourselves to die. breathe Now here you are: over and over again.” , he added.