Countdown to the first episode of Temptation Island aired June 26th. Great expectations for Maria De Filippi’s reality show, broadcast on Canale 5 and hosted by Filippo Bisciglia. In the last few hours, the first two couples who will take part in the program have already been announced: Gabriela and Giuseppe, engaged for 7 years, and Alessia and Davide, together for 11 years. And for the big start, Maria De Filippi landed in Sardinia just 24 hours after saying goodbye to Silvio Berlusconi.
Berlusconi, at the funeral of Maria De Filippi in white in the cathedral: as he pleased
Isola, Cristina Scuccia and the message to her love: “I can’t wait to see you again.” This detail softens the fans
After the funeral
The famous Mediaset moderator followed verbatim the request that Pier Silvio Berlusconi addressed to all Mediaset employees yesterday. In fact, the ex-Prime Minister’s second son had ordered all those who work in the Rete del Biscione to return to work as before and to do so in memory of his late father: “But starting tomorrow we’ll click and we’ll go back”. a vibrant company full of energy and vigor, as she has been all her life,” said Silvio’s legacy yesterday.
The farewell
And today Maria De Filippi has landed in Sardinia, where she is preparing the new edition of the reality show, also denying the rumors circulating on the internet about an illness that has affected her. The presenter appears to be doing well and while just a few hours ago she was sitting next to Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s partner Silvia Toffanin to offer her comfort at the former Prime Minister’s funeral, De Filippi is now seen intent on relaxing on the beach in the company of the bull terrier Staffordshire Saki by Alessio Sakara, MMA World Champion, and Raffaella Mennoia, De Filippi collaborator and Temptation Island curator. The audience eagerly awaits the start of the reality show. What will this edition bring?
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