1707903419 Marie Claude Barrette Lulu Hughes Saskia Thuot Kim Richardson and Tyo

Marie-Claude Barrette, Lulu Hughes, Saskia Thuot, Kim Richardson and Tyo in an advertising campaign celebrating women's bodies

Marie-Claude Barrette, Lulu Hughes, Saskia Thuot, Kim Richardson and Tyo can be found – smiling and in their underwear – in Lingerie Emma's #JeSuisPlusQue advertising campaign. “It's a tribute to our bodies that we like to camouflage and that we should rather celebrate,” admits Marie-Claude Barrette.

“Luckily you are Mario Dumont's wife, because with your face and your body you wouldn't be on TV”: Marie-Claude Barrette has received such derogatory comments several times in the past.

That's why she hesitated at first and finally decided to take part in this commercial where we would see him in lingerie. Because this mission to free women from the labels they impose – or put on – themselves resonates with her.

Marie Claude Barrette Lulu Hughes Saskia Thuot Kim Richardson and Tyo

Photo Andreanne Gauthier

Get rid of labels

The host trusted her long-time employee and friend Emma Dunn, owner of Lingerie Emma. It was she who came up with the idea to bring her together with singer Lulu Hughes, presenter Saskia Thuot, singer Kim Richardson and model Tyo for a day and campaign themed around sisterhood.

“I never thought I would ever do this in my life. In the morning me and Kim arrived [Richardson] was there, in his underwear. “She became my idol with her lightness, her love for herself and her way of feeling comfortable in her body,” says the 55-year-old host.

She explains that she quickly felt comfortable and had an extraordinary day without thinking about her body. She wants this for all those women who are worried about their weight or who are systematically blamed for it, often through comments about their bodies from relatives, work colleagues and even complete strangers. .

“I think it's nice to see that there are ways to react to bodies and trivialize them. You have to be good to yourself. And then the women are united. We really want to be part of a community where we support each other,” adds the host of the Open your game podcast.

1707903412 965 Marie Claude Barrette Lulu Hughes Saskia Thuot Kim Richardson and Tyo

Photo Andreanne Gauthier

#I am more than

Marie-Claude Barrette wants women to come and free themselves from the labels they carry by commenting under the photos of the advertising campaign with the hashtag #JeSuisPlusQue.

She is also pleased with the many positive messages and comments she and her friends have received since the campaign began earlier this week. Below she recalls the reaction of her friend actress Sonia Vachon and columnist Sophie Durocher, who began to cry when they discovered the inspiring photos.

But please don’t tell Marie-Claude Barette and her cronies that they are “brave.”

“I wasn't brave, I just said to myself: Go! Stop judging yourself. Love yourself enough to do it! This is solidarity, not courage. It is a form of female solidarity that happens with joy. We just are who we are and that’s all,” she says.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, beautiful individual photos of all model personalities will be published on February 13th.