Maringa couple chronicle adventures in seven European countries A Journey

Maringá couple chronicle adventures in seven European countries: “A Journey to Remember GMC Online

Per Rafael Bereta

Published September 17, 2023 for the 8:26 p.m

Carla Roberta and Jefferson Alves embarked on this journey not only for professional reasons, but also to document their experiences. Photo: Personal archive

An exciting journey across the European continent came to life on social media as a couple from Maringá began sharing their adventures and discoveries while making their dream of traveling to Europe come true. Comprised of stunning photos, captivating stories, and cultural insights, her posts have inspired friends, family, and followers to explore the world too.

Carla Roberta Da Silva Macedo Costa, 39, and Jefferson Alves Marques Costa, 41, embarked on this journey not only for professional reasons, but also to document their experiences in detail on social media.

“We traveled to Europe nine years ago as illegal immigrants with a 32kilo suitcase each. First we went to work. I remember that at the beginning we only had a rented room to live in,” explains Carla Macedo Costa from Maringá GMC Online.

The couple’s Instagram “Out there with the family” It became a visual diary of your adventure. Every image shared tells a story, from stunning images from Portugal to relaxing moments in quaint cafes on the streets of Paris.

During the nine years we lived in Europe, we stayed in Lisbon Portugal, where we took the opportunity to get to know other countries. To do this, my husband and I sold our days off, meaning we worked around 11 hours for five weeks in a row without taking five days off in a row. On these days we took the opportunity to get to know a city or a country,” emphasizes Carla.

Adventure through Europe

To begin the adventure, the Maringá couple began their journey in Portugal. With backpacks on their backs and curiosity in their hearts, they immersed themselves in the atmosphere of Lisbon, explored the streets of Porto and lost themselves in the beauty of the Douro Valley vineyards. Portugal was the first chapter of their epic journey and the captivating moments they experienced on this leg of the adventure were just a taste of what was to come.

Carla from Maringa explains that during nine years in Europe, the couple managed to visit seven European countries, including France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, England, Spain and the Netherlands. “Of all the countries we visited, the Netherlands was the one that stood out to me the most because everyone thinks it’s all about sex and drugs, but the place is beautiful and the people are very polite. It’s worth knowing,” he says.

On Instagram, the couple often shares details about their planning and offers practical tips for other travelers. They believe it is important to engage with the travel community and are always happy to answer questions and offer advice for those planning their own adventures in Europe.

Couple Perrengue in Europe

On any trip or adventure, it is normal for something to happen that delays or ruins the trip, known as the famous “snack.” One of the problems from which the couple suffered the most was the food problem in France. According to the couple, lunch and dinner in restaurants are not that cheap and to continue the trip, they ate snacks every day. “Food is very expensive in France, we ate Subway during the three days we were there,” he commented.

















Photo: Personal archive

Family outing

Through their social media platforms, the couple inspires others to pursue their own travel dreams, no matter where they are. They believe that travel is not just about destinations but also about the journey of selfdiscovery and personal growth that it offers.

Back in Brazil, the couple is currently traveling through Brazil, getting to know the people and culture in a country full of charm. Maringa native Carla Macedo explains that her children Sofia Macedo, 7 years old, and Henrique Macedo, 2 years old, have followed their parents’ adventures.

“Today we try to do trips that can also include children. In Europe we didn’t have children and today we always make it a point to visit places where they can have fun too. I confess they loved it, my daughter loves it when I say I’m going away and she has already made memories. That’s why I’m very happy, because our journey through cities and countries is not only about seeing incredible places, but also about discovering more about ourselves and the world around us,” he emphasizes.