Marisa Laurito her secret for making delicious meatballs is leaked

Marisa Laurito, her secret for making delicious meatballs is leaked: she has an unexpected secret ingredient ​​Street Food

Meatballs by Marisa LauritoMarisa Laurito – StreetFoodNews

The meatballs will be tastier if you use Marisa Laurito's secret ingredient. Find out what it is.

Meatballs, which is better? And to think, they originated as a catch-all dish for leftover cooked meat. That's what he said Pellegrino Artusifamous restaurateur of the 19th century, in his famous recipe book Science in the kitchen and the art of eating well.

But their origins are much older, with traces reaching back to China in 220 BC. BC. Those of Arabic cuisine, which included a mixture of lamb and saffron, are also ancient.

Exported all over the world back then, today they are available in countless variations. Not only for the types of meat used, but also with vegetables, mixed, just bread, with vegetables. And then fried again, in sauce, stewed. In short, there is something for every taste.

Even in Italy they are one of the main dishes prepared especially on Sundays and each region has its own traditional recipe. And the friendly girl tells us how to prepare in Naples Marisa Laurito. With its secret ingredient.

Marisa Laurito: the secret ingredient of her meatballs

Marisa Laurito gave an interview with Simple kitchenTAnd which he also reports on his personal blog. And speaking about his special relationship with cooking, he explained: “Cooking is a sublime thing, it's not just about nutrition. I consider it an act of love! The smells, the images, the memories… This is something very important. When I think of ragù, I remember the smell that came from my kitchen, where my grandmother cooked the sauce for eight hours from early Sunday morning; This occurred throughout the condominium and in the buildings across the street.”

Also in his blog, among the Neapolitan recipes we find that of meatballs, which have a secret ingredient that gives them a very intense aftertaste.

Meatballs recipe Meatballs with Gravy – StreetFoodNews


The ingredients of the meatballs Marisa Laurito are: 500 gr. mixed minced meat, stale bread to taste, 3 eggs, 4 tablespoons of parmesan, milk to taste, pepper and salt to taste, a grated lemon peel, a tablespoon of raisins, a tablespoon of pine nuts, extra virgin olive oil.

Have you figured out what the secret ingredient is? AND the raisins! Which with its sweetness gives the meatballs a unique taste. The process is very simple. After soaking the bread in milk, squeeze it and put it in a bowl with the meat. Season with salt, pepper, grated lemon peel, Parmesan, raisins and pine nuts. First mix with your hands, then add the eggs and knead. Form meatballs with moistened hands to prevent the meat from sticking and fry them in a pan with hot oil. As good as they are, sublime in tomato sauce.

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