Mariupol resists the siege while the Russians intensify their attacks

Mariupol resists the siege while the Russians intensify their attacks on Odessa

The war continues to claim lives in Ukraine, though already 26 days of conflict behind it. One of the cities hardest hit since the Russian invasion began is Mariupol, which despite being almost a city in ruins, continues to resist the Russian siege.

Without electricity and running water, thousands of Ukrainians continue to resist in the city. the Ukrainian authorities have refused to hand over Following the ultimatum issued by Russia and Minister for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk, she was blunt on the proposal, declaring that “instead of wasting time on 8 pages of letters, Just open a corridor“In a city from which an estimated 45,000 people have fled.

Although the Russian Ministry of Defense did not surrender, there were 2 hours for the Ukrainian army and “foreign mercenaries” leave town. An offer that comes after an adviser to President Zelenskyy admitted they have no way of sending reinforcements.

The Russians continue to attack and have landed a ship of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet laden with war material in the port of Berdyansk, a Russiancontrolled city only 77 kilometers away from Mariupol. According to British intelligence, the Russian blockade of the Ukrainian coast, where Mariupol is located, is essential for their control and the establishment of a corridor to the Donbass.

On the other hand, the mayor of Mariúpol denounced that such existed forced deportations to Russia or in the Russian Donbass, including children, which is prohibited under international law.

Bombing of Odessa

Odessa is another point besieged by Putin’s troops. The city was attacked for the first time since the beginning of the aggressive war against civil buildings Housing, as announced by the city council.

“These are residential buildings where civilians live. Let the alienated Russians know, who are told by their country’s leaders, that nothing like this is happening here. We will not leave Odessa and we will fight for our city,” said the mayor of a city that is the target of attacks by ships that until this Monday had only affected infrastructures.

Kyiv, the main goal

According to the British Ministry of Defense, the capital of Ukraine remains the main target for Russian troops. A shopping center in Kyiv was totally destroyed destroyed by Russian missiles “Highly accurate” as it served as a storage facility for rocket launchers and ammunition, according to a spokesman for Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.

A curfew has come into force again over the capital takes 35 hours and it will also affect its metropolitan area. Authorities reported the deaths of Monday’s attacks at least 8 people and the demolition of 6 houses in the Podilsk district, where there are schools and kindergartens. However, the capital is another area resisting as Russian troops are stuck some 25 kilometers away.

During the siege of these 3 key points, the rest of Ukraine remains threatened by Russian attacks and negotiations continue to try to reach peace or at least a ceasefire. According to the mediators, no significant agreements are currently being made, as both parties differ on important points.