Marjorie Taylor Greene is scared of elementary school

Marjorie Taylor Greene is scared of elementary school

representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lashes out and does things like fights Jimmy Kimmelsaid CNN commentator Margaret Hooverbecause she is “scared” and faces a serious threat from a “legitimate main antagonist”.

Kimmel had joked about a tweet from Greene attacking the three GOP senators who voted to confirm Kentanji Brown Jacksons Appointed to the Supreme Court. “Any senator who votes to confirm #KJB is just like them pro-pedophile,” Greene wrote.

“Wow, where’s Will Smith when you really need him?” Kimmel quipped over the tweet.

On Wednesday, Greene tweeted that she had filed a police report with Capitol Police regarding “this threat of violence” from Kimmel.

The Jimmy Kimmel Live host responded with even more derision, pointing out that Greene appeared to have called “the same police force that voted to give her a Congressional Gold Medal for defending our Capitol from the riot that happened.” she had instigated on January 6”.

“She’s a snowflake and a sociopath at the same time,” he added. “A Snowciopath, as we shall call her from now on.”

I have to ask you something about this bizarre feud between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jimmy Kimmel. Let’s let Jimmy Kimmel explain.

CNN newsroom anchor Jim Acosta brought up Greene’s “quirky feud” with Kimmel and asked his guests, the couple, to comment Margaret Hoover and John Avlonfor their recording.

Avlon scoffed at Greene’s police report as mere “trolling,” commenting that “that kind of food fight” is what you get for “raising trolls like Greene.”

“And of course it’s pathetic and hypocritical, but it’s Marjorie Taylor Greene,” he concluded.

“What this is, Jim, is an opportunity for them to raise funds,” Hoover added. Greene “fundraised like crazy with small dollar donations” and made himself a victim.

“And do you know why she’s crazy about donations right now?” Hoover continued. “She has a main antagonist, who is a legitimate main antagonist, in a new district that has been redrawn to be ten points down [former President] donald trump.”

Greene was also 15 points behind Trump’s performance in her district in 2020, she noted, and faced additional challenges because Georgia had an open primary in which Democrats and independents — who will be far less enthusiastic about Greene’s rhetoric — will vote be able .

“She’s actually scared,” Hoover concluded. “And by the way, she doesn’t represent the people in her district because she doesn’t sit on any committee. So she has all day to earn hay and fight Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter.”

As I wrote in February, Greene can’t address any of the issues her district is facing “because she’s a zero in Congress.” Her oddly abusive comments and threats resulted in her being removed from all her committee duties, and she was utterly ineffective at passing legislation. At this point, Greene had sponsored only 17 bills, none of which had become law. To date, she’s added three more pointless bills to that dead-end list.

Watch the video above via CNN.

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