Marriage proposal in the Arena of Verona between two Etoiles

Marriage proposal in the Arena of Verona between two Etoiles: the director is Roberto Bolle Video

The principal dancer at La Scala in Milan, Timofej Andrijashenko, asked for the hand of his partner Nicoletta Manni at the end of their performance on “Bolle and Friends”.

From the romantic program last night at the Verona Arena at the Bolle and Friends Show. During the final applause, the principal dancer of La Scala, Timofej Andrijashenko, who had just danced the duet of Romeo and Juliet with Nicoletta Manni, knelt down and asked her to marry him. And the prima ballerina at La Scala in Milan said yes, surprised and happy. «In the beginning – explains Nicoletta – I didn’t understand it. He grew up. There were also my parents and his parents ». Director of the surprise Roberto Bolle. “I had chosen the ring and Roberto offered me this thing, a unique opportunity,” adds Timofej.

“I didn’t know anything. Yesterday was a special evening for me because we danced the Romeo and Juliet duet in the Arena in Verona. That was already something unique – says Nicoletta – Then I discovered that I was the only one who didn’t know ».

It took Timofej more than two months to organize the marriage proposal. After seven years together, six of them living together, “in May I started asking about the ring. When I ordered it, I didn’t think of such a thing – he explains – Then, speaking about it with Roberto, he suggested this thing to me ». And the organization began by choosing what to dance, Romeo and Juliet. Then Timofej informed the parents of the two and sent them to Verona. His people picked it up in Milan and handed it over to him “without being seen by Nicoletta. I passed it on to Roberto who gave it to Nicoletta’s brother who is one of the technicians and placed one of the stage lights on the base ». After dancing the duet, Timofej had to wait for the last numbers from the other dancers and the concluding applause before kneeling down and proposing: “Time had slowed down, it seemed to me that it would never end until – he explains – I saw Nicoletta’s eyes looking at me ».

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